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Devlog #27 - Quests & 2nd Character Slot
Well that was a wild week.
It's been just over a month since Alpha started and we've all been making a ton of progress.
There are still a handful of quest bugs so if you'd like a bug free quest experience I'd wait a couple weeks.
44 quests in total covering Noob Island and Crab Coast. PinkCrown did all the writing, Lighterthief did all the art, I did the engine, and it looks like boshed did everything else. I wasn't sure who was designing what for awhile to be honest.
I added a new #gem-items channel to Discord.
Here's what I know so far about Gem items:
1. No loot crates.
2. Boxes will contain full sets.
3. All Gem items will be cosmetic only.
4. All Gem items can be added to or removed from any in-game shop at any time.
5. $1USD = 10Gems
And that's all we know for now.
As you can see from this screenshot I'm in the middle of converting to Lighterthief's new GUI skin. It's coming along well.
In the coming week I will be working on bugs, GUI skin, and The Collector. This fellow will hold 1 of every item in the game. The Collector is also account wide. This means it can be used as a means of transfer between characters on the same account.
See you next Friday!
Have Fun & Keep Gaming!
Don't forget to vote for the September exclusive item: https://www.patreon.com/posts/which-exclusive-86945075