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Patch #7 - Cave of Some Return Part 1
Iron Veins and Pickaxe will be added in the next upcoming patch in a few days.
Angry Skull Spiders and their drops will also be added in the next patch.
* Email/password users should now be fixed!
* 3 drops added to Ex Miners.
* 4 drops added to Ex Diggers.
* 3 drops added to Baby Skull Spiders.
* Pebble spawns added.
* 2 drops added to Pebbles.
* Giant Skull Spider spawns added.
* The Centurion and Royal Shield armor has been nerfed.
* Added 4 drops to Giant Skull Spiders.
* Added 2-Handed Hammer weapon type.
* Added 2-Handed Staff weapon type.
* Axes are now 1-Handed.
* Boulder Colorado spawn added.
* 4 drops added to Boulder Colorado.
* 4 drops added to Stones.
* Mobs now spawn looking downward.
* Removed duplicate health/energy pots in Honest Gil's Shop.
* Collision texture added for CoSR. It's wonky in spots like the other zones and will be improved later.
* /stuck is busted and will take you to somewhere in Crab Coast. It will be fixed later when graveyards are added to CoSR. Next patch.
* You may see players that are in Crab Coast while in Cave of Some Return. I haven't filtered out players in the z direction yet lol.