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Patch Notes #90 - Whispers, Friends, and Ignores

* Added a header and refresh button for Steam Inventory in the Gem Shop window.

* Fixed a bug where the Steam Inventory wasn't updating correctly.

* Changed Steam Gem Shop links to open directly to the purchase page.

* There are now 999 item definitions in our part of the Steam Inventory service. wowowow (1279 items in the database wowowow)

* Added /ignore <character name> and /unignore <character name> to the server code and MySQL. These commands ignore and unignore all characters on account at one time. (Yes, you can use it to see who people's alts are muahaha)

* We recently crossed 50 positive reviews on Steam which unlocked unlimited Achievements! I have added all current achievements to Steam. We're already up to 117.

* Fixed the bug where when you click a collector filter option that is outside the window you would move.

* Added social button to the right side of chat.

* Created GUIScrollList to make a generic virtual scrolling container.

* Converted chat to use GUIScrollList.

* Steam client no longer clears cache every time the client starts.

* Added a button to the Steam client "Clear cache" which well clears the cache.

* Fixed the bug where sprites could become unclickable.

* Increased Patreon free trial game access to 8 days as Patreon is kind of bugged when it transitions between free trial and member.

* Reddit ads gave me some free ads $ so I'm pointing the ads at Patreon this time.

* Added social popout to social button.

* Created new GUIToggle and GUIToggleGroup for chat and social UI tabs.

* Created Friends and Ignores tabs to social popout.

* Added ignores commands and list of ignores.

* Added commands to the top of the friends tab and a GUIScrollList of friends sorted by online and then alpha numeric.

* Added online/offline indicators to friend list.

* Added /w <name> and /t <name> for whisper/tell.

* Added w button to friends list to easily whisper.

* SHIFT + R to reply to the last person who whispered you.

 New Gemster Items

Check out the Gemster to get your hands on the Infini Box, Le Chat The Hat and Blobfish!

Level Requirement Rebalance
We've heard lots of talk about how a lot of the weapons and some items are being kept too harshly behind a level requirement. This leads to these items being worthless, never used and just thrown into the Collector. To help combat this and make these weapons worth running we've rebalanced their level requirements.

Cave of Despair
Cutlass of Chaos - 40 -> 36

Forgotten Wasteland
Ankh Shield - 40 -> 38
Oasis Blade - 42 -> 38
Scorpion Sting - 40 -> 38
Gem of the Desert - 45 -> 40
Cobra Staff - 45 -> 40

Forgotten Underground
Dark Rapier - 45 -> 40
Crystal Sword - 45 -> 40

Forgotten Under Underground
Space Wand - 46 -> 44
Ice Staff - 48 -> 46
Gladion Sword - 48 -> 46
Demon Bow - 50 -> 46
Zambatou - 50 -> 46
Dark Alien Shield - 48 -> 46

Mirky Woods
Elven Bow - 53 -> 50
Blunt Club - 52 -> 50
Elven Staff - 42 -> 50
Goblin Tooth Necklace - 56 -> 52
Onion Sprig - 54 -> 51
Mossy Stone Boots - 51 -> 48
Mossy Axe - 55 -> 53
Mossy Sword - 54 -> 53
Forest Shield - 56 -> 54
Bearserker Set - 54-60 -> 52-58
Axe of the Bearserker - 60 -> 58

Frozen North
Fishing Spear - 58 -> 56
Curved Hand Axe - 60 -> 57
Ice Axe - 65 -> 60
Ice Hammer - 62 -> 60
Harpoon - 65 -> 60
Aquilion Blade - 65 -> 62
Wrench - 62 -> 60

Barbed Spear - 66 -> 64
Crooked Axe - 66 -> 64
Kelp Blade - 66 -> 64
Coral Wand - 66 -> 64
Underwater Staff - 68 -> 66
Dutchman's Hook - 70 -> 68
Star Face - 70 -> 68

Patch Notes
- Renamed Molten Pauldrons to Gooey Magma Pauldrons to match the other items in the set

- Level requirements for 42 Weapons and Items

- Removed Ronin Box, Candlehead and The Crown Gem from Gemster

- Added Infini Box, Le Chat The Hat and Blobfish to Gemster

- Reduced the HP values of mobs in Frozen North and Crablantis